A tricycle, often abbreviated as “trike,” is a three-wheeled vehicle typically designed for one rider, although there are models that can accommodate more passengers. Unlike bicycles, which have two wheels, tricycles provide additional stability and balance due to their third wheel. They are commonly used by children as a beginner’s mode of transportation before transitioning to bicycles, as well as by adults for various purposes.
Tricycles come in a variety of designs and configurations to suit different needs and preferences. Some tricycles are designed for recreational purposes, such as leisurely rides in parks or along bike paths. These recreational tricycles often feature comfortable seating, large baskets or storage compartments, and are built for easy pedaling.
On the other hand, there are specialized tricycles designed for specific purposes, such as cargo tricycles used for transporting goods or heavy loads. Cargo tricycles typically have a sturdy frame, large cargo platform or basket, and may even have electric assist motors to make hauling heavy loads easier.
Another category of tricycles includes adaptive tricycles, which are designed for individuals with physical disabilities or mobility challenges. These tricycles often come with custom features and adjustments to accommodate the specific needs of the rider, providing them with greater independence and mobility.
Overall, tricycles offer a stable and accessible mode of transportation for people of all ages and abilities. Whether used for leisurely rides, daily commutes, or specialized purposes, tricycles provide a fun, practical, and versatile means of getting around.
Showing 1–12 of 13 results
Baby Tricycle Children Pushcart for Boys and Girls Three Wheel Bicycle Wbb16875
Original price was: Pkr 18,500.Pkr 16,000Current price is: Pkr 16,000. -
Original price was: Pkr 11,500.Pkr 8,500Current price is: Pkr 8,500. -
Children’s Balance Bike 1-3 Year Old Walking Bike Slide Bike Children’s Slide Bike Entry-level One Year Gift
Original price was: Pkr 10,999.Pkr 8,999Current price is: Pkr 8,999. -
Children’s Tricycle
Original price was: Pkr 19,999.Pkr 15,499Current price is: Pkr 15,499. -
Children’s tricycle with lights and music baby boys and girls stroller scooters
Original price was: Pkr 11,500.Pkr 8,500Current price is: Pkr 8,500. -
High quality hot baby tricycle online
Original price was: Pkr 15,000.Pkr 10,999Current price is: Pkr 10,999. -
Kid Baby Tricycle 4 in 1 Stroller Bicycle Children Trike Kids’ Tricycles Baby Tricycle for Kid 1-6 Years Children Child
Original price was: Pkr 19,500.Pkr 16,000Current price is: Pkr 16,000. -
Kids Tricycle Children Tricycle With Light and Music and Enlarged Seat,
Original price was: Pkr 12,500.Pkr 9,500Current price is: Pkr 9,500. -
Multifunction Plastic Kids Tricycle With Music and Light/Safe kids 3-wheels Pedal Baby Tricycle With Push Handle
Original price was: Pkr 16,000.Pkr 13,500Current price is: Pkr 13,500. -
Ride on padle tricycle with Music and light
Original price was: Pkr 8,000.Pkr 6,500Current price is: Pkr 6,500. -
Smart Baby 3 Wheel 3 in 1 Scooter for Kids, Can be convert into a Tricyle, a Scooter with Anti-Slip Surface, a Ride On Toys, Orange
Original price was: Pkr 15,499.Pkr 13,499Current price is: Pkr 13,499. -
Three wheels children cycle, pink color
Original price was: Pkr 16,000.Pkr 12,500Current price is: Pkr 12,500.